Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Being a Lone Female Doesn't Mean You Can't Travel The World Safely

Would you recommend a female friend, daughter or sister to take a lone holiday in Bangkok, Mexico or Tokyo by themselves? The answer is probably not. The idea of women traveling alone in foreign climes is shrouded in the assumption that single females are at greater risk of robbery, attack or worse when by themselves. Taking the right precautions and a little bit of healthy paranoia can make sure you not only enjoy a safe trip but also have a great time in the process.

The first safety precaution for women traveling alone is to keep in touch with family and friends back home as well as people like hotel managers, hostel reps and other travelers whilst on your vacation. This doesn't mean checking in ever hour but instead letting people know where you are staying, which regions you are planning to visit and when you should be expected in a certain place. Visiting remote locations such as national parks or out of the way islands are best explored as part of a group while making sure you can easily contact someone if need be via mobile phone.

Knowing what to expect from the country you are visiting is highly advised. With cultures and etiquette varying from place to place, there are many hidden pitfalls that could land lone female travelers in social hot water. To get around this, it is advised that travelers do a bit of research about their vacation destination before departure. Pay attention from the minute you arrive and travelers will quickly work out what is socially acceptable in one country and disrespectful in the next. For women traveling in the Middle East, for example, smiling or making eye contact with men could lead other people to question your morals. Don't be afraid to ask fellow travelers or hotel reps if you are unsure whether certain behaviors and dress codes are socially acceptable in the place you're staying.

When packing for your travels remember to pack light. Walking in heels might be practical on home turf but can easily become a hassle when abroad. Jewelery and valuables are also best left at home given that jewelery can attract thieves and could even prevent you from getting a good deal when bartering for goods in a market setting. Carry large amounts of money is also inadvisable for the same reasons. Modern ATM software means that it's never been easier to take your regular credit or debit card with you and prevents the need to take large amounts of cash with you. Travelers checks and pre-loaded travelers' cards are also advised.

Finally, implementing basic common sense is perhaps the best piece of advice for lone female travelers. Sticking to the main tourist trails is a good idea as is taking taxis at night time rather than walking to your destination. Never get into an unmarked cab or accept a lift from a local; no matter how helpful or genuine they seem. Remaining aware whilst immersing yourself in a new culture will ensure you have a memorable and enjoyable time whilst staying safe.

Harvey McEwan writes about travel.

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