Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Staying Healthy When You Travel

Whenever you are going for an international trip, it is vital that you spend some time paying attention to your health and health needs. You may be visiting a country where hygiene is a little suspect, and that is why staying healthy when you travel is paramount. The last thing you need is to fall ill in a strange place where people may not speak the same language as you and where the standard of healthcare may not be up to your liking.

In fact, when making reservations for international locales, many Americans forget to find out about what vaccinations they may require before their trip. And, then they wonder why they fell ill either during their trip or soon after returning.

When it comes to an international vacation, it goes without saying that you would have to make your plans a few months in advance. Two months before your departure, speak to your doctor and find out what are vaccinations you might require. Some countries have made it mandatory for foreign visitors to get vaccinations or take preventive medication in their home countries. For instance, if you are planning a vacation to South Africa, you will have to take a vaccination for Yellow Fever, or if you are visiting Honduras, you should begin taking anti-malarial medication 3 to 6 weeks before your departure.

When traveling to foreign countries, make sure you take a small first aid kit with you. This kit should contain medication for diarrhea and vomiting, anti-histamines, aspirins and also an anti-bacterial cream. If you are on prescription medication, make sure that you carry the medication in a labeled bottle and also ask your doctor to give you a current prescription for emergency.

On your trip make sure that you drink just bottled water, avoid meats and raw fish, eat just food that is cooked properly and served piping hot, and stay away from roadside vendors. In addition, make sure you take insect repellant sprays and adequate sunscreen. This is especially true if you are holidaying in a tropical location.

About Author:
Kum Martin is an online leading expert in the traveling industry. He also offers top quality articles like:
Activities In Maine, Events in Mississippi

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