Sunday, October 4, 2009

Safe Vacation Tips

Between burglars, car-jackers and terrorists, the carefree vacation seems like a thing of the past. There is no question that many dangers await the unwary traveler, both at home and abroad. In spite of the problems, there are precautions you can take to ensure that you will get the rest and relaxation you deserve on your vacation.

The first step is to secure your home. Leave a house key with a trusted friend or neighbor who can check on the house periodically. Let them know where you'll be and give them a cell-phone or hotel phone number where you can be reached in case of emergency. Cancel all deliveries such as newspapers, etc., and have a friend or neighbor pick up your mail and any circulars left by the door. Don't leave notes saying you've gone on vacation and never tell strangers that you are going away.

Check all doors and windows to make sure they're properly locked. Don't forget the garage and storage areas. Use clock timers to turn on lights, a radio, or the television, on and off at certain times each day, giving the outside impression that the home is occupied. Purchase timers that can alter the light patterns. Unplug all unnecessary appliances. Turn down the volume on your phones as constant ringing indicates an empty house. Drapes and shades should be left partly open so it looks like someone is home. Expensive jewelry and cash should be in a safe deposit box, and credit cards and checkbooks should be secured. Lawn furniture, barbecue grills, ladders, etc., should be locked away.

When traveling by car, keep your belongings locked in the trunk. Never leave luggage, cameras, and other valuables in open view, especially when the car is unattended. Keep all doors locked both when driving and at rest stops. When returning to a parked car check the back seat to assure no one is hiding there. Wherever possible, stay on well-lit, well-traveled roads. Be sure you know where you are going and have the necessary maps and directions so you don't find yourself lost in a bad area.

Upon arrival, place valuables in the hotel or motel safe if one is available. Do not flash large amounts of cash. Never leave cash, cameras, jewelry or other expensive items in your room unattended. Protect your room key and don't leave it anywhere. Always use the double lock and chain when you are in the room.

Traveling overseas requires extra attention to security. You should "sterilize" your luggage by removing all logos, stickers and claim checks that will identify you as an American. Limit your exposure time in airports by arriving with just enough time to check your bags and get through the metal detectors about ten minutes before boarding the plane. When traveling in any foreign country, maintain a low profile. Avoid large crowds and groups of tourists as they are considered easy targets by terrorists. Try to observe local customs with regard to dress, behavior, etc., and be a polite, considerate guest.

David Antonio Parietti's official self-defense website is

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