Saturday, April 25, 2009

Bleeding Hemorrhoids - How to Stop the Bleeding

There are many factors that cause bleeding hemorrhoids like having weak rectal vein walls and valves, constipation, pregnancy, low-fiber diet, irregular bowel movement, prolonged sitting or standing, and anal sex. Bleeding hemorrhoids are painful, irritating, and the whole bloody experience can make one nauseated and disgusted. Is there a way to stop the bleeding? Here are some tested and proven remedies that can help you cope with bleeding hemorrhoids:

Eat fiber-rich food

Usually, the kind of food one eats is a major cause of bleeding hemorrhoids as well as other diseases. Having a high-fiber diet with lots of fruits and vegetables can help improve digestion and produce soft bowels which are easy to eliminate. In addition, you get the nutrients your body needs to heal itself naturally and prevent hemorrhoids from worsening. Avoid too much sugar, spices, caffeine, and salt in your diet.

Drink plenty of fluids

Drinking six to eight glasses of water a day can do wonders to your body and in relieving yourself from bleeding hemorrhoids. You can also substitute water with fresh fruit and vegetable juices to keep the digestive process flow naturally. However, you must avoid caffeinated drinks like coffee and soda as well as alcoholic drinks that can make your body acidic.

Keep your body moving

Exercise is another excellent method that can help you cope with bleeding hemorrhoids. Take a walk early in the morning or after office hours. If you are at work, stand every now and then and walk a bit to relax your bottom. Regular exercise can speed up metabolism and keep your digestive system from working efficiently.

Go when you need to go

Never postpone your bowel movement or stop yourself from defecating when the need arises. Eliminate your wastes regularly to avoid fecal matter to remain in the large intestine. Otherwise, stool will become drier and harder and you have to strain to get it out. Avoid exerting too much pressure in the blood vessels and veins in the anal and rectal regions by defecating when needed.

Keep your anus clean and dry

In order to stop bleeding hemorrhoids, you must keep your anus clean and dry. Simply use plain water or natural cleansing products in cleaning your bottom especially after defecating. Avoid using soap as much as possible since it can irritate the skin. After which, pat it dry with a clean towel and sprinkle with baby powder or cornstarch to absorb moisture. Do not scratch or rub too hard since this can only worsen hemorrhoids instead of healing them.

Bleeding hemorrhoids are a serious health condition that needs to be treated immediately. Learn how to cope with bleeding hemorrhoids by eating fiber-rich food, drinking plenty of fluids, exercising, defecating regularly, and keeping your anus clean. Protect yourself from hemorrhoids and have a healthier body.

Top rated Hemorrhoids Treatment Products
Hemorrhoid Treatment Options

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What Leads to Urinary Tract Infection?

The human body releases several waste products like sweat, stool and urine. The sweat is eliminated from the body through the pores on the skin, while stool is released during the bowel movements. Similarly, the urinary tract and kidney play a very important role in the excretion of urine from the body. The urine consists of metabolic byproducts like salts, toxins and water that is removed from the body through urinary secretion.

The urinary tract system consists of kidney, uterus, urethra and urinary bladder. The main function of the kidney is to control the concentration of essential nutrients in the blood. Hence, any damage to the kidneys can increase the proportion of nutrients to uncontrollable level. Kidneys are also responsible for maintaining the water balance inside the body, so that every body tissue gets ample water for its sound growth and functionality.

Once, the kidneys filter the waste, the urine enters the urinary bladder and exits through the urethra during the urinary excretion. However, sometimes the urinary tract gets infected due to attack of Ecoli bacteria on the urinary system. Initially, the bacterium resides near the anus but moves towards the uterus due to improper cleaning during the bowel movements.

Eventually, the bacterium enters the urinary bladder and sticks to the bladder walls. Thus, the bug multiplies itself and attacks the bladder walls leading to bladder infection. Later on, the urinary infection is accompanied by several urinary problems like blood or pus in urine, frequent urge to urinate, pain during urinary secretion etc. Hence, the condition can become worse and infect the kidneys in long run leading to kidney damage.

Hence, if you are suffering from urinary tract infection, then you must consult a doctor immediately. You can also consume D-mannose, a natural sugar solution that detaches the Ecoli bacteria from the bladder walls and evacuates the bug from the urinary bladder. Thus, the infection will be cleaned within few days and resume normal functioning of the urinary system.

About the Author:-

Robert Henry is connoisseur in the field of medication. He has been writing some amazing articles on urinary tract symptoms and cures of the disease. His knowledgeable articles have brought amazing changes in the lives of several individuals.